
Keeping you up to speed with industry news, views and analysis.

Following up on invoice payment in a down economy

It can be challenging following up on payment of invoices when the economy has been down, but it is important to keep cash flowing into your business. As with all business dealings right now, there are tactics you can use to help.


Should you buy or lease your business assets?

Should you buy or lease your new equipment? Here are some pros and cons of each. We also can review your financial position, cashflow and cost base to decide whether buying or leasing is the right thing for the business.


VAT on private school fees: what you need to know

Did you know that private school fees will have VAT charged on them from 1 January 2025? We’ve outlined the key changes and how they may impact your spending on education.


Keeping your tax and expenses in check when you are self-employed

Working for yourself or running your own business? Setup robust systems for expenses & tax requirements so you can focus on your important tasks. We can help take the headaches out of your business accounting.


How to accept payments online – and why it’s smart

Customers appreciate the ability to pay online, and businesses that offer online payments get paid faster. Ready? We can help set you up for online payments today.


6 Powerful Reasons To Watch Your Financial Reports

Making time to look over your financial reports each month is an important task for any business owner. We can give you an overview of what reports you'll need to help you build a thriving business.


Improve your work-life balance

Most of us aim for work-life balance in our business, but it can be a tricky thing to do when everything gets busy. Here are 5 tips that can assist at any time of year.


How to use forecasts and scenario-planning

If you’re only looking back at historic numbers, you limit the insights you’ll gain. Forecasting highlights your future threats and opportunities – and creates a proactive strategy for the future of your business.


Three questions for business success. Part 3 Pricing.

Since businesses have existed, these questions have perplexed their owners. Before AI, the internet and even electricity. Who's my ideal customer? What makes my product or service attractive? How should I be pricing my product or service? Read on!


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